戀晴天 發表於 2007-10-12 16:25:03

creat new public and private keys

<P>Security--&gt;SPF&amp;Sender ID/DomainKeys&amp; DKIM--&gt;DK&amp;DKIM(Signing)--&gt;creat new public and private keys</P>
<P>跳出 dns readme.txt,內容如下:</P>
<P>This file saved as: C:\MDaemon\Pem\MDaemon\dns_readme.txt</P>
<P>DNS configuration for this selector using DomainKeys or DomainKeys Identified Mail:</P>
<P>(Testing)<BR>MDaemon._domainkey.domain name. IN TXT "t=y; k=rsa; p=*************************************************"</P>
<P>(Not testing)<BR>MDaemon._domainkey.domain name. IN TXT "k=rsa; p=*****************************************************"</P>
<P>Example DNS data for policy using DomainKeys:</P>
<P>(Testing and NOT signing all messages)<BR>_domainkey.domainnam. IN TXT "t=y; o=~;"</P>
<P>(Not testing and signing all messages)<BR>_domainkey.domain name. IN TXT "o=-;"</P>
<P>Example DNS data for policy using DKIM:</P>
<P>(Testing and using NEUTRAL signing policy)<BR>_policy._domainkey.domain name. IN TXT "t=y; o=~;"</P>
<P>(Not testing and using STRONG signing policy)<BR>_policy._domainkey.domain name. IN TXT "o=-;"</P>
<P>DKIM Legend (you can use these signing policies with DKIM):</P>
<P>o=~&nbsp; NEUTRAL or RELAXED (signature optional)<BR>o=-&nbsp; STRONG&nbsp; (signature required, but not necessarily from my domain)<BR>o=!&nbsp; EXCLUSIVE (signature required, and it must be from my domain)<BR>o=.&nbsp; NEVER&nbsp; (this site doesn't send mail)<BR>o=^&nbsp; USER (reserved for future use)</P>
<P>Important note: the above examples are using your primary domain of "domain name".<BR>You may need to setup similar records using different domain names if you want<BR>to sign mail for any other domains you are hosting.</P>
<P>不知要如何新增到WIN2000 DNS Server的 TXT Records</P>
<P>因為不管怎麼設定,在<A href="http://domainkeys.sourceforge.net/policycheck.html">http://domainkeys.sourceforge.net/policycheck.html</A>,就是查不到<STRONG>DomainKey的設定資料</STRONG></P>

[ 本文最後由 戀晴天 於 2007-10-12 04:29 PM 編輯 ]

MarchFun 發表於 2007-11-11 11:34:19

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