隨風浮雲 發表於 2005-8-17 14:20:02


昨晚我的系統smtp(in).log 出現這個訊息<BR><BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:28:19: ---------- <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: Session 5004; child 1; thread 33176 <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: Accepting SMTP connection from <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: Performing PTR lookup ( <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: * D= TTL=(3) PTR= <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: * Gathering A records... <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: * D=n3.bulk.tpe.yahoo.com TTL=(0) A= <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: ---- End PTR results <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: --&gt; 220 compayn.com.tw ESMTP MDaemon 8.0.4; Wed, 17 Aug 2005 02:33:36 +0800 <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: &lt;-- HELO n3.bulk.tpe.yahoo.com <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: Performing DNS-BL lookup ( - connecting IP) <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: * sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org - passed <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: * opm.blitzed.org - passed <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * relays.ordb.org - passed <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * bl.spamcop.net - passed <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: ---- End DNS-BL results <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: Performing IP lookup (n3.bulk.tpe.yahoo.com) <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * D=n3.bulk.tpe.yahoo.com TTL=(7) A= <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: ---- End IP lookup results <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: --&gt; 250 cfwater.com.tw Hello n3.bulk.tpe.yahoo.com, pleased to meet you <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: &lt;-- MAIL FROM:&lt;[email protected]&gt; <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: Performing IP lookup (company.com.tw) <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * D=company.com.tw TTL=(1440) A= <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * P=010 D=company.com.tw TTL=(60) MX= {} <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: ---- End IP lookup results <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: --&gt; 250 &lt;[email protected]&gt;, Sender ok <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: &lt;-- RCPT TO:&lt;[email protected]&gt; <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: --&gt; 250 &lt;[email protected]&gt;, Recipient ok <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: &lt;-- DATA <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: Creating temp file (SMTP): c:\mdaemon\queues\temp\md50000001309.tmp <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: --&gt; 354 Enter mail, end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt; <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: Message size: 9242 bytes <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: Performing DomainKeys lookup (Sender: [email protected]) <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * Message-ID: <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * Querying for policy: yahoo-inc.com <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * Querying: _domainkey.yahoo-inc.com ... <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * Policy record: t=y; n=http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * Result: pass <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: ---- End DomainKeys results <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: Passing message through AntiVirus (Size: 9242)... <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: * Message is clean (no viruses found) <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: ---- End AntiVirus results <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: Message creation successful: c:\mdaemon\queues\inbound\md50000000302.msg <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: --&gt; 250 Ok, message saved &lt;Message-ID: &gt; <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: &lt;-- QUIT <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: --&gt; 221 See ya in cyberspace <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: SMTP session successful (Bytes in/out: 9353/329) <BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: ---------- <BR><BR>約略看出有個廣告信商藉由YAHOO信箱,然後再以收件者信箱為他自已寄件者的郵件名稱,來到處發信,感覺上一切都符合規定,而且信件內容評分也未超過,這種信件不知站上先進有何妙招擋信。<BR><BR>不過奇怪的是由下面這行可看出<BR><BR>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:37: --&gt; 250 Ok, message saved &lt;Message-ID: &gt; <BR><BR>信件已被儲存,但是收件者卻收不到這封信,我猜測原因是mdaemon的antivirus未測到病毒,但是NV測到病毒把它給殺掉了。<BR>

[ 本文最後由 隨風浮雲 於 2008-4-10 05:01 PM 編輯 ]

MarchFun 發表於 2005-8-17 16:54:02

防止別人假冒帳號,最好的方法就是「POP Before SMTP」:<br><a href='http://www.suma.tw/modules/ipboard/index.php?showtopic=881' target='_blank'>http://www.suma.tw/modules/ipboar...p?showtopic=881</a>

隨風浮雲 發表於 2005-8-17 17:44:51

可是這封廣告信,不是由我的信箱發信給別人(我把轉址發信關掉),而是由YAHOO信箱假冒本地郵件位址,然後再發給本地郵件,這跟POP Before SMTP有關嗎?

MarchFun 發表於 2005-8-17 18:36:58

當然有關,他是假冒你的內部信箱不是嗎?如果他通不過 POP Before SMTP,就無法假冒了。

隨風浮雲 發表於 2005-8-17 20:17:04

可是它的發信地點是在yahoo<br>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: Accepting SMTP connection from <br>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: Performing PTR lookup ( <br>Wed 2005-08-17 02:33:36: * D= TTL=(3) PTR=<br>,這跟郵件伺服器設 POP Before SMTP,好像搭不上,除非yahoo是架設mdaemon,<br><br>我想大家都有好幾個免費信箱,在免費信箱中也許只會設定一個專屬回信信箱,例如我有hotmail yahoo gmail,但是我只設一個[email protected]是我的回信信箱,所以當我寄信給別人時,如果我的發信地點在hotmail yahoo gmail,當smtp出去時一定是顯示hotmail yahoo gmail的smtp,可是因為寄信email設定[email protected],所以像mdaemon這類的軟體,會先檢查 hotmail yahoo gmail是否是一個合法發信位置(利用正解、反解dns去查),然後再檢查[email protected]是否為正確email(利用查詢 company.com.tw主機是否有abc這個人),當然其它如spf或是信件內容查詢,那就是後續評分的事了。<br><br>所以除了是非company.com.tw mdaemon郵件伺服器上使用者,要使用company.com.tw mdaemon郵件伺服器寄信和&quot;POP Before SMTP&quot;有關外,我真的想不通由外部寄信箱寄給自己怎麼會和POP Before SMTP有關。<br><br>對不起,小弟才疏學殘提了那麼多問題&#33;

MarchFun 發表於 2005-8-17 22:55:03

那跟發信的地點無關,也不管是寄給誰。只要是使用你伺服器的帳號發信到你的伺服器或從你的伺服器寄出,通不過 POP Before SMTP 就是不給寄。<br><br>會架郵件伺服器,通常就是會從另一部電腦來收發伺服器的信件。那問題來了,請問這裏說的「另一部電腦」,你自己公司中的其他電腦是「另一部電腦」, yahoo 的伺服器是不是也是「另一部電腦」呢? POP Before SMTP 就是用來防止任何人從「另一部電腦」冒用你伺服器中的帳號透過你的伺服器來寄信。

隨風浮雲 發表於 2005-8-18 08:18:55

假如我設了company.com.tw 的Mdaemon郵件伺服器POP Before SMTP功能 ,我用hotmail yahoo gmail寄信,寄件人郵件地址也不能用[email protected],是這樣子嗎?

MarchFun 發表於 2005-8-18 11:12:19

是啊!沒錯!除非能先通過 POP Before SMTP 的檢查。

隨風浮雲 發表於 2005-8-19 08:09:21

經查清楚上面信件來源(看log看得好累),<br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:17:08: ---------- <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: Content Filter processing c:\mdaemon\queues\local\md50000000759.msg... <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: &gt; Message return-path: [email protected] <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: &gt; Message from: [email protected] <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: &gt; Message to: [email protected] <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: &gt; Message subject: Yahoo&#33;奇摩交友推薦給LeeEdward活潑美麗的教育/研究女生 <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: &gt; Message ID: <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: Start Content Filter results <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: * Matched 0 of 2 active rules <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: End of Content Filter results <br>Fri 2005-08-19 02:47:14: ----------<br><br>原來是yahoo自已就是一個大廣告商,他用我上面所說的,因為在使用YAHOO GMAIL HOTMAIL,都會用一個專屬信箱,他就利用這個專屬信箱為發信人,然後再寄信給這個發信人。

shem888 發表於 2008-4-9 17:14:24

<P>最近有注意到一種垃圾信 ,&nbsp;&nbsp; 重點是他仿冒 我公司的 Email Address , 寄信給自己 , </P>
<P>觀看上述的說明,&nbsp; 開 POP Before SMTP&nbsp; 就不會被仿冒 !&nbsp;&nbsp; 但我確定已經是打開的 !!!</P>
<P>會是一種新的技術 ?&nbsp; 或 我公司的密碼 被解 ?&nbsp;&nbsp; 可以從那裡看出&nbsp; 他有 pop before SMTP ??</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 或 其他 ?</P>
<P>ps:&nbsp; 也因為是 Local&nbsp; user&nbsp; , AntiSpam 跟本不會 動作</P>
<P><A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>&nbsp;&nbsp; 是我公司的 Email </P>
<P>垃圾信的內容 :</P>
<P>-----Original Message-----<BR>From: <A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A> <BR>Sent: 無<BR>To: <A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A><BR>Subject: 各行各業馬上業績double!!</P>
<P><FONT color=#1d4489><A href="http://work.xxx/">http://work.xxx</A></FONT></P>
<P>電洽0922-177-yyy<BR>本公司網站<BR><A href="http://work.xxx/">http://work.xxx</A></P>
<P>Smtp in&nbsp; 的 Log ...</P>
<P>----------<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: Session 5279; child 1; thread 2488<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:49: Accepting SMTP connection from <BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:49: Performing PTR lookup (<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:49: *&nbsp; D= TTL=(1440) PTR=<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:49: *&nbsp; Gathering A records...<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:49: *&nbsp; D=220-131-106-39.HINET-IP.hinet.net TTL=(1440) A=<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:49: ---- End PTR results<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:49: --&gt; 220 xxxxxx.com.tw ESMTP MDaemon 9.6.5; Wed, 09 Apr 2008 13:44:49 +0800<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: &lt;-- HELO Lxlouisa.COM<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: --&gt; 250 xxxxxx.com.tw Hello 220-131-106-39.HINET-IP.hinet.net, pleased to meet you<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: &lt;-- mail from: &lt;<A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>&gt;<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: --&gt; 250 &lt;<A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>&gt;, Sender ok<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: &lt;-- RCPT TO:&lt;<A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>&gt;<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: Performing DNS-BL lookup ( - connecting IP)<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: *&nbsp; zen.spamhaus.org - failed<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: ---- End DNS-BL results<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: --&gt; 250 &lt;<A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>&gt;, Recipient ok<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: &lt;-- data<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: Creating temp file (SMTP): c:\mdaemon\temp\md50000016499.tmp<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: --&gt; 354 Enter mail, end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: Message size: 699 bytes<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: Performing DomainKeys lookup (Sender: <A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>)<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: *&nbsp; File: c:\mdaemon\temp\md50000016499.tmp<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: *&nbsp; Message-ID: n/a<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: *&nbsp; Querying for policy: xxxxxx.com.tw<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:50: *&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Querying: _domainkey.xxxxxx.com.tw ...<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: *&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DNS: *&nbsp; Name server reports domain name unknown<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: *&nbsp; Result: neutral<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: ---- End DomainKeys results<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: Passing message through AntiVirus (Size: 699)...<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: *&nbsp; Message is clean (no viruses found)<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: ---- End AntiVirus results<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: Passing message through Outbreak Protection...<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: *&nbsp; Message-ID: <BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: *&nbsp; Reference-ID: str=0001.0A150202.47FC57D3.001E,ss=1,fgs=0<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: *&nbsp; Virus result: 0 - Clean<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: *&nbsp; Spam result: 1 - Clean<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: *&nbsp; IWF result: 0 - Clean<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: ---- End Outbreak Protection results<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: Message creation successful: c:\mdaemon\inbound\md50000469950.msg<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: --&gt; 250 Ok, message saved &lt;Message-ID: &gt;<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: &lt;-- quit<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: --&gt; 221 See ya in cyberspace<BR>Wed 2008-04-09 13:44:51: SMTP session successful (Bytes in/out: 796/333)</P>

[ 本文最後由 shem888 於 2008-4-9 05:16 PM 編輯 ]

隨風浮雲 發表於 2008-4-9 19:29:23

這應該不會是你們公司的ip吧 : 220-131-106-39.HINET-IP.hinet.net<br><br>只要反查位址是否正確,就可以阻檔此類信件了。<br>

shem888 發表於 2008-4-10 09:00:36

<P>我們公司不是 220-131-106-39.HINET-IP.hinet.net&nbsp;&nbsp; , 這是垃圾信的 .....</P>
<P>&nbsp; ps: 之前更新Mdaemon&nbsp; (&nbsp;DNS-BL 被自動打開 )&nbsp; 有些信收不到 .. </P>
<P>以為是 reverse lookup 的問題就把 Refuse to accept mail if a lookup returns "domain not found"&nbsp; 給取消了....</P>
<P>現在趕快恢復設定 !!!!</P>
<P>這次主要是他 可以&nbsp; 仿冒我公司的Email&nbsp; 地址 ,&nbsp; 想查一下原因 !!!&nbsp; 我想開reverse lookup 應該就無法仿冒了吧 !</P>

[ 本文最後由 shem888 於 2008-4-10 09:40 AM 編輯 ]

隨風浮雲 發表於 2008-4-10 16:58:50


cuman 發表於 2008-4-16 11:26:38


canopus 發表於 2008-4-18 13:47:43

使用 POP Before SMTP,然後將內部 IP 加入Trusted IP addresses讓區網內部或來自信任的 IP 免除這項限制&nbsp; 受信任的 IP 便可不必遵守這個約定&nbsp; 即可免除 POP Before SMTP&nbsp; 若人員從外部使用WebClinet是否可以收發信件?

隨風浮雲 發表於 2008-4-18 17:07:01

WorldClient 是使用伺服器上的網頁,除非是你的防火牆阻擋了,不然一定可以收發信。<br>

68681688 發表於 2008-5-14 14:03:05

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檢視完整版本: 廣告信假冒本地信箱