yking7065 發表於 2006-1-10 09:51:34


Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:28: Session 251; child 4<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:14: Parsing Message &lt;d:\mdaemon6\remoteq\pd50000097613.msg&gt;<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:14: From: [email protected]<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:14: To: [email protected]<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:14: Subject: RE: contract<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:14: Message-ID: &lt;004f01c61586$4d357db0$[email protected]&gt;<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:14: MX-record resolution of in progress (DNS Server:<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: Attempting MX: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: Attempting SMTP connection to <br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: Waiting for socket connection...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: Socket connection established ( : 1433 -&gt; : 25)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:15: Waiting for protocol initiation...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:16: &lt;-- 554 IP: - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact [email protected] to clarify.)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:16: --&#62; QUIT<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:16: Attempting MX: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:16: Attempting SMTP connection to <br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:16: Waiting for socket connection...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:17: Socket connection established ( : 1435 -&gt; : 25)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:17: Waiting for protocol initiation...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:18: &lt;-- 554 IP: - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact [email protected] to clarify.)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:18: --&#62; QUIT<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:18: Attempting MX: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:18: Attempting SMTP connection to <br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:18: Waiting for socket connection...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:19: Socket connection established ( : 1436 -&gt; : 25)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:19: Waiting for protocol initiation...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:20: &lt;-- 554 IP: - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact [email protected] to clarify.)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:20: --&#62; QUIT<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:20: Attempting MX: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:20: Attempting SMTP connection to <br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:20: Waiting for socket connection...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:21: Socket connection established ( : 1439 -&gt; : 25)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:21: Waiting for protocol initiation...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:21: &lt;-- 554 IP: - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact [email protected] to clarify.)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:21: --&#62; QUIT<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:21: Attempting MX: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:21: Attempting SMTP connection to <br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:21: Waiting for socket connection...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:22: Socket connection established ( : 1440 -&gt; : 25)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:22: Waiting for protocol initiation...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:23: &lt;-- 554 IP: - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact [email protected] to clarify.)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:23: --&#62; QUIT<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:23: Attempting MX: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:23: Attempting SMTP connection to <br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:23: Waiting for socket connection...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:24: Socket connection established ( : 1441 -&gt; : 25)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:24: Waiting for protocol initiation...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:24: &lt;-- 554 IP: - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact [email protected] to clarify.)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:24: --&#62; QUIT<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:24: Attempting MX: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:24: Attempting SMTP connection to <br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:24: Waiting for socket connection...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:25: Socket connection established ( : 1442 -&gt; : 25)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:25: Waiting for protocol initiation...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:26: &lt;-- 554 IP: - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact [email protected] to clarify.)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:26: --&#62; QUIT<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:26: Attempting MX: P=010 D=t-online.de TTL=(56) MX= {}<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:26: Attempting SMTP connection to <br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:26: Waiting for socket connection...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:27: Socket connection established ( : 1443 -&gt; : 25)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:27: Waiting for protocol initiation...<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:28: &lt;-- 554 IP: - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact [email protected] to clarify.)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:28: Socket connection closed by the other side (how rude&#33;)<br>Tue 2006-01-10 09:36:28: SMTP session abnormally terminated (Bytes in/out: 960/42)<br><br><br>我一直無法回mail給對方..... <br>一直出現554... 的錯誤訊息@@ 這是啥意思ㄋ? 可否告知??<br>最後被對方切斷ㄌ....=.=...<br>是我這邊的問題還是對方的呢@@?<br>各位大大.... 請幫忙解惑.... <br>謝謝~~

yking7065 發表於 2006-1-10 10:06:58

再次補充...<br><br>OS: WIN SERVER 2000<br><br>MDaemon 版本 :v7.0<br><br>

andersen 發表於 2006-1-10 11:03:48

可以用nslookup 指令查一下 你的主機 有沒有反查功能<br>或對方 伺服器有沒有問題<br>進入nslookup<br>&gt;set type=mx<br>&gt;domain.com.tw 查看看<br>正常會秀出 主機名稱跟郵件主機及IP<br>很多郵件會檢查IP反查名稱,<br>如果未曾申請,應向ISP如中華電信等單位申請反查.<br><br><br>希望能對你有所幫助^^<br>

yking7065 發表於 2006-1-10 11:16:58

感謝 anderson 大大 的回覆...<br>我用你教的反查.....<br>出現下列訊息@@&quot;<br>不曉得此訊息是否就是我有反查功能..=.=.....<br><br>server : ns.sparqnet.net<br>Address:211.XX.XX.XXX<br><br>non-authoritatine answer<br>donmain.com.tw MX preferenec=0 mail exchanger=domain.com.tw<br><br>domain.com.tw nameserver=dns6.twdomain.com<br>domain.com.tw nameserver=dns5.twdomain.com<br><br>domail.com.tw internet address=209.59......<br>dns6.twdomain.com internet address=209.59.....<br>dns5.twdomain.com internet address=209.59......

yking7065 發表於 2006-1-10 11:23:31

<br>{}<br>{}<br>{}<br>{}<br>{}<br>{}<br>{}<br>{}<br><br>剛剛我ping過上述的位址.... 沒有一個ping的過的....=.=..<br>但這一個ip address 就ping到了@@<br>這應該表示... 我連的到對方主機?&#33;<br><br>還是pingㄉ到我的位址呢@@?<br><br>不過~卻能收信.......=.=....<br>怪...

andersen 發表於 2006-1-10 11:49:05

&gt;domain.com.tw 查看看<br>domain --&#62;指的是用你的網域名稱 ,不是直接拿來查<br>剛查過 你的主機不具反查功能喔 <br><br>以上是我公司的例子,已設反查,供你參考( &gt;的部份是要輸入的部份,server可以不用輸)<br>nslookup<br>&gt; server<br>Default Server: hntp1.hinet.net<br>Address:<br><br>&gt; set type=mx<br>&gt; topman.tw<br>Server: hntp1.hinet.net<br>Address:<br><br>topman.tw    MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.topman.tw<br>mail.topman.tw internet address =

yking7065 發表於 2006-1-10 16:34:41

我剛用nslookup <br><br><br>出現<br>dns request timed out<br>timeout war 2 seconds<br>ns.sparqnet.net can&#39;t find : Non-existent domain<br><br>這表示我沒有反查的功能嗎??<br><br>是否我要去申請勒^^?<br>
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