jyan123 發表於 2008-1-30 19:27:27

smtp session terminated

<P><BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:52:37: *&nbsp; To: <A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A><BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:52:37: *&nbsp; Subject: </P>
<P>Mon 2008-01-28 10:52:37: *&nbsp; Message-ID: &lt;&gt;<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:52:37: Attempting SMTP connection to <BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:52:37: Resolving MX records for (DNS Server:<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:53:22: *&nbsp; DNS: 45 second wait for DNS response exceeded (attempt 1 of 3)<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:53:22: Resolving MX records for (DNS Server:<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:54:07: *&nbsp; DNS: 45 second wait for DNS response exceeded (attempt 2 of 3)<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:54:07: Resolving MX records for (DNS Server:<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:54:52: *&nbsp; DNS: 45 second wait for DNS response exceeded (attempt 3 of 3)<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:54:52: Attempting to send message to smart host<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:54:52: Attempting SMTP connection to <BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:54:52: Resolving A record for (DNS Server:<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:55:37: *&nbsp; DNS: 45 second wait for DNS response exceeded (attempt 1 of 3)<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:55:37: Attempting to send message to smart host<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:55:37: Attempting SMTP connection to <BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:55:37: Resolving A record for (DNS Server:<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:56:22: *&nbsp; DNS: 45 second wait for DNS response exceeded (attempt 2 of 3)<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:56:22: Attempting to send message to smart host<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:56:22: Attempting SMTP connection to <BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:56:22: Resolving A record for (DNS Server:<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:57:07: *&nbsp; DNS: 45 second wait for DNS response exceeded (attempt 3 of 3)<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:57:07: This message is 4 minutes old; it has 56 minutes left in this queue<BR>Mon 2008-01-28 10:57:07: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 0/0)</P>
<P><STRONG>Why smtp session terminated? How can I fix it? Thanks!!!</STRONG></P>

MarchFun 發表於 2008-1-30 22:04:50

<P>* DNS: 45 second wait for DNS response exceeded </P>
<P>這幾句是重點,表示你們的 DNS 沒有回應,問題出在你們自己的 DNS。</P>

jyan123 發表於 2008-1-30 22:22:05

Many Many &nbsp;thanks!!!

MarchFun 發表於 2008-1-30 23:03:34

MDaemon 中的 DNS 不一定要設自己的,可以設定外部的。如 HiNET 的,這樣比較不會有問題。
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檢視完整版本: smtp session terminated