zxc6512cxz 發表於 2013-3-6 01:01:26

VMware Workstation 9無法虛擬Windows 7旗艦版

VMware Workstation 9無法虛擬Windows 7旗艦版

我虛擬Windows 7旗艦版結果卻出現下面那些文子


This virtual machine is configured for 64-bit guest operating systems. However, 64-bit operation is not possible.

This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled.

Intel VT-x might be disabled if it has been disabled in the BIOS/firmware settings or the host has not been power-cycled since changing this setting.

(1) Verify that the BIOS/firmware settings enable Intel VT-x and disable 'trusted execution.'

(2) Power-cycle the host if either of these BIOS/firmware settings have been changed.

(3) Power-cycle the host if you have not done so since installing VMware Workstation.

(4) Update the host's BIOS/firmware to the latest version.

For more detailed information, see http://vmware.com/info?id=152

MarchFun 發表於 2013-3-6 12:40:14

This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled.這句有說了,你的主機版支援 VT-x,但未在 BIOS 中開啟,因此無法安裝 64 位元的虛擬機。請到 BIOS 中將 VT-x 開啟即可。

zxc6512cxz 發表於 2013-3-8 00:03:46

MarchFun 發表於 2013-3-6 12:40 PM static/image/common/back.gif
這句有說了,你的主機版支援 VT-x,但未在 BIOS 中開啟,因此無法安裝 64 位元的虛擬機。請到...
怎麼 將 BIOS 中將 VT-x 開啟
我的是英文版 看沒懂

MarchFun 發表於 2013-3-8 10:48:14

這個幫不上忙了,每個主機版的設定不同。你可能得看主機版的手冊。或用 Google 翻譯協助。
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檢視完整版本: VMware Workstation 9無法虛擬Windows 7旗艦版