tungwj 發表於 2004-10-13 22:35:59

請教一下!! 這樣的訊息是否為跳板測試!!??

請教一下&#33;&#33; 以下是我的SMTP(IN) LOG檔擷取到的一段紀錄<br><br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:50:53: ----------<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:55:13: Session 7614; child 1; thread 1084<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:35: Accepting SMTP connection from <br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:35: --&#62; 220 myname.com.tw ESMTP MDaemon 7.2.0; Wed, 13 Oct 2004 14:54:35 +0800<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:37: &lt;-- HELO 58-48-156-217.drtvis.com.ro<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:37: --&#62; 250 chino.com.tw Hello 58-48-156-217.drtvis.com.ro, pleased to meet you<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:38: &lt;-- MAIL FROM: &lt;[email protected]&gt;<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:38: --&#62; 250 &lt;[email protected]&gt;, Sender ok  &lt;-- 是否被&quot;跳&quot;成功&#33;&#33;??<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:40: &lt;-- RCPT TO: &lt;[email protected]&gt;<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:40: Sender attempted to deliver message to unknown address<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:40: --&#62; 550 &lt;[email protected]&gt;, Recipient unknown<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:41: &lt;-- RCPT TO: &lt;[email protected]&gt;<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:41: Sender attempted to deliver message to unknown address<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:54:41: --&#62; 550 &lt;[email protected]&gt;, Recipient unknown<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:55:05: &lt;-- RCPT TO: &lt;[email protected]&gt;<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:55:05: Sender attempted to deliver message to unknown address<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:55:05: --&#62; 550 &lt;[email protected]&gt;, Recipient unknown<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:55:13: &lt;-- QUIT<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:55:13: --&#62; 221 See ya in cyberspace<br>Wed 2004-10-13 14:55:13: SMTP session successful (Bytes in/out: 733/1105)<br><br>此訊息是只被跳板測試還是快被當成跳板呢&#33;&#33;?? 請指教&#33;&#33; 謝謝~~

MarchFun 發表於 2004-10-13 23:36:21


tungwj 發表於 2004-10-14 10:11:44

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檢視完整版本: 請教一下!! 這樣的訊息是否為跳板測試!!??